Thursday, 29 January 2015

Social Exchange Websites

Best Social Exchange Websites Lists 2015 (updated)

Best Sites For Social Exchange

  • Facebook
  • Google+
  • Twitter
  • StumbleUpon
Social Exchange sites are those sites which help in increasing your social presence and follower count. Wait, you never heard about them? Well that’s good and bad. I’ll talk more on that later ahead.
Firstly, how they work is very simple yet effective. It’s all about working as a community where you like/follow/share someone elses content and they do the same to yours thus benefiting everyone. Most of these sites work on some kind of point system where you collect points by sharing and liking other people’s stuff and you can redeem those points by letting other people share your stuff.
Most of these sites have all of the popular social sharing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter and others. Few also have more niche specific social sites like Soundcloud and Reverbnation which are related to music.
Some of these sites help you send fake traffic to your website which might be too tempting to increase alexa rank and get higher views but you should never do this. It will only lead to harming your website in some way or another in the future.

The Positive -

These sites can help you get few early subscribers and social following just to get you rolling. It is human nature that we like to read and share things that are already popular so getting a first few hundred likes/following can help you get some actual likes/following by your audience.

The Negative -

Now all this stuff might seem very attractive but there is also a negative side of this. Most of the profiles on these social exchanging sites are fake and bot-created. Meaning that they were only created for these specific sites and in real life will never Like/share/follow your content.
So yes you can get 500 likes on your Facebook fan page within 2 days from such sites but none of them will like/comment/share/read your content. So in the end your audience engagement will still be zero.
Best 10 Social Exchange Sites Of 2014-15 are –
1) Addmefast 
Alexa Rank – 1059
2) Linkcollider
Alexa Rank – 7349
3) Twiends
Alexa Rank – 9361
4) Youlikehits
Alexa Rank – 12666
5) Traffup
Alexa Rank – 19077
6) Vagex   
Alexa Rank – 37397
7) Plusfollower
Alexa Rank – 81126
8) Hitfollow
Alexa Rank – 97943
9) Shareyt
Alexa Rank – 124562
10) TubeToolbox
Alexa Rank – 180774
Note – I have not used any of the above sites (except addmefast) and some of them have a complex interface to use. 

Sharing is caring !


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